When you’re applying for a job, bear in mind that there’s probably another 700 other applications together with yours.
Most people usually receive automated responses and/or rejection.
You see, with responses this large, It is a normal process called “Screening in” where recruiters skim resumes and reach out to those that stand out.
For job seekers, this is referred to as “The Black Hole”! If you don’t invest time to make sure you stand out, there is a very high chance you will never get a response. The number of resumes is too large for recruiters to review individually. Chances are high that they will hire someone within the first 25% of those resumes they review.
This is not meant to bash any company or recruiters, this is meant to be a wake up call for you.
Realistically, it is almost impossible for someone to call or follow up with 699 people after they have hired the one person they need.
So what do you do to stand out?
1. Have a stellar resume
2. Make sure your experience and skills are a perfect match with the requirements
3. Check job post thoroughly and use some of the most important keywords in your resume
- Find the CHRO or VP of Talent Acquisition on LinkedIn, send a personal message to them. You could go one step further and send them an email directly if their information is on their profile.
- It is also helpful to network with others in the organization and look for common second connections to try and obtain a warm introduction.
The most important thing is to do something that gives you an edge over the crowd, set yourself apart from the rest and don’t be a victim of the black hole.