CPS is happy to announce that students in our ongoing Switch course are starting to receive Cyber Security job offers…
A recent example is J(name withheld for privacy reasons) who landed a 100% IAM Analyst Role with a healthcare company.
This is coming after weeks of live class with instructors, completing assignments, and hours of sessions with our career consultant.
It is even more interesting to know that he got this job offer before the end of the course. That is to tell you the huge opportunity in the cybersecurity field.
Our students continue to frequently engage with recruiters while undergoing CPS career consulting hours and resume revamp.
At Cyber Privacy Solutions, with our years of experience in consulting, will help you succeed in this field. Whether you are new to the industry or experienced, we have something for you.
Our success rate speaks volume, and you don’t want to miss out on this great opportunity. Cyber Security is a highly rewarding career path with predictions showing high career projections in the coming years.
Take advantage of our 20+ course offerings today, and take charge of your career.